What is the difference between transport and logistics?

what is the difference between transport and logistics

Transport and logistics are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to different aspects of the supply chain. While both transport and logistics are essential for getting goods transported from one place to another, they have distinct roles and functions. In this article, we will explore the difference between transport and logistics, and how they work together to ensure the smooth flow of goods and materials.

Transportation: Physical Movement of Goods

Transportation refers to the physical movement of goods from one place to another. This can involve various modes of transport, such as trucks, trains, ships, and aeroplanes. Transportation is typically the most visible part of the supply chain, as it involves the physical movement of goods across different locations.

Logistics: Planning and Coordination of the Supply Chain

On the other hand, logistics refers to the planning, coordination, and management of the supply chain. This includes activities such as inventory management, warehousing, packaging, and distribution. Logistics is the backbone of the supply chain, ensuring that goods are delivered to the right place, at the right time, and in the right condition.

Example: Transportation vs. Logistics

To understand the difference between transport and logistics, let’s consider an example. Imagine that you are a manufacturer of electronic goods, and you need to transport your products from your factory to a retailer.

Transportation: Physical Movement of Products

Transportation involves the physical movement of products, which can be done using various modes of transport, such as trucks or ships.

Logistics: Planning and Coordination of the Supply Chain

Logistics, on the other hand, involves the planning and coordination of the entire supply chain, from the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of the finished products to the retailer. This includes activities such as inventory management, packaging, and distribution, as well as the coordination of different transport modes.

The Importance of Understanding Transport and Logistics

In summary, transportation and logistics are two distinct but complementary aspects of the supply chain. While transportation involves the physical movement of goods, logistics focuses on planning, coordinating, and managing the entire supply chain. Both transport and logistics are essential for ensuring the smooth flow of goods and materials, and they work together to meet the needs of customers and businesses.


Understanding the difference between transport and logistics is important for businesses that want to optimise their supply chain operations. By leveraging the strengths of transport and logistics, businesses can ensure that their goods are delivered efficiently, on time, and in the right condition, which can help enhance customer satisfaction and drive business growth.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is in transport and logistics?

The following are some of the activities that are included in transport and logistics:

Warehousing: Warehousing is the storage of goods in a secure facility until they are needed.

Inventory management: Inventory management is the process of tracking and managing the quantity of goods in a warehouse.

Packaging: Packaging is the process of preparing goods for transport.

Customer service: Customer service is the process of providing support to customers before, during, and after a purchase.

What is an example of transportation and logistics?

Here are some additional examples of transportation and logistics:

1. A company that sells furniture might use a third-party logistics provider to ship its products to customers. The logistics provider would be responsible for picking up the furniture from the company’s warehouse, packing it, and shipping it to the customer.

2. A grocery store might use a transportation company to deliver food products to its stores. The transportation company would be responsible for picking up the food products from the supplier, transporting them to the grocery store, and unloading them.

3. A manufacturer might use a logistics company to manage its inventory. The logistics company would be responsible for tracking the inventory levels, ordering new products when needed, and shipping products to customers.

What are the 4 types of transportation in logistics?

Road transportation: Road transportation is the most common mode of transportation in the world. It is used to transport goods over short and medium distances. Trucks are the most common type of vehicle used for road transportation.

Rail transportation: Rail transportation is a more efficient mode of transportation than road transportation for long distances. Trains can carry large amounts of cargo and can travel at high speeds.

Air transportation: Air transportation is the fastest mode of transportation, but it is also the most expensive. Air transportation is typically used to transport goods that need to be delivered quickly, such as perishable goods or emergency supplies.

Maritime transportation: Maritime transportation is the most economical mode of transportation for long distances. Ships can carry large amounts of cargo and can travel at a slower speed than trains or airplanes. Maritime transportation is typically used to transport goods that are not time-sensitive, such as bulk commodities or manufactured goods.

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